Literatuur onderzoek overzicht 2002 – 2013
door R. Janssen – Dean
Jaar | Titel | Auteurs | Land |
2013 | Beneficial effects of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation in patients with respiratory insufficiency in the ICU | I Blum, R Janssen-Dean, A Overdijk van and B Speelberg | NL |
2013 | Characterization of the mechanical behavior of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation | E Fornasa, M Ajčević and A Accardo | IT |
2012 | Clearing away pulmonary secretions | Sandra Lynn Wong, BA, RCP, Kazuko Shem, MD, James Crew, MD | USA |
2012 | Intrapulmonary effects of setting parameters in portable intrapulmonary percussive ventilation devices. | Toussaint M, Guillet MC, Paternotte S, Soudon P, Haan J. | BE |
2012 | Safety and effect of intermittent intrapulmonary percussive ventilation on oxygen saturation and hemodynamic functions | I Blum, R Janssen-Dean, A Overdijk van and B Speelberg | NL |
2011 | Airway Clearance in COPD: Need for a Breath of Fresh Air? A Systematic Review | Ides, Vissers, de Backer Leemans, W de Backer | BE |
2011 | Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation superimposed on spontaneous breathing: a physiological study in patients at risk for extubation failure. | Dimassi S, Vargas F, Lyazidi A, Roche-Campo F, Dellamonica J, Brochard L. | FR |
2011 | Safety and efficacy of short-term intrapulmonary percussive ventilation in patients with bronchiectasis. | Paneroni M, Clini E, Simonelli C, Bianchi L, Degli Antoni F, Vitacca M. | IT |
2010 | Management of localized pneumothoraces after pulmonary resection with intrapulmonary percussive ventilation | Gatani T, Martucci N, La Rocca A, et al. | IT |
2009 | Effect of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation on expiratory flow limitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. | Vargas F, Boyer A, Bui HN, Guenard H, Gruson D, Hilbert G. | FR |
2008 | Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation superimposed on conventional ventilation: bench study of humidity and ventilator behaviour. | Dellamonica J, Louis B, Lyazidi A, Vargas F, Brochard L. | FR |
2007 | Intra-pulmonary Percussive Ventilation – Brief Review of Clinical and Physiological Studies | Frédéric Vargas and Jean Dellamonica | FR |
2006 | Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation in tracheostomized patients: a randomized controlled trial. | Clini EM, Antoni FD, Vitacca M, Crisafulli E, Paneroni M, Chezzi-Silva S, Moretti M, Trianni L, Fabbri LM. | IT |
2006 | Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation and noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: ‘Strength through unity’? | Vargas F, Hilbert G. | FR |
2006 | Physiological response to intrapulmonary percussive ventilation in stable COPD patients. | Nava S, Barbarito N, Piaggi G, De Mattia E, Cirio S. | IT |
2006 | Efficacy and safety of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation superimposed on conventional ventilation in obese patients with compression atelectasis. | Tsuruta R, Kasaoka S, Okabayashi K, Maekawa T. | JPN |
2005 | Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation in acute exacerbations of COPD patients with mild respiratory acidosis: a randomized controlled trial | Vargas F, Bui HN, Boyer A, Salmi LR, Gbikpi-Benissan G, Guenard H, Gruson D, Hilbert G. | FR |
2005 | Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation vs incentive spirometry for children with neuromuscular disease. | Reardon CC, Christiansen D, Barnett ED, Cabral HJ. | USA |
2003 | Effect of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation on mucus clearance in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients: a preliminary report. | Toussaint M, De Win H, Steens M, Soudon P. | BE |
2002 | A comparison of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation and conventional chest physiotherapy for the treatment of atelectasis in the pediatric patient. | Deakins K, Chatburn RL. | USA |